Custom made

+FINO's Custom made is a full order service where you can choose the shape, size, color, design, material, and parts.

+FINO's custom-made furniture will give you a comfortable life

Here you will find kitchens, furniture, and interiors that are tailored to our individual tastes.

If you are asked about the place in your house that you want to be particular about or the place where you can relax the most,
What do you imagine first?

If you think of a sofa,
The most relaxing place in your home, the place where you can relax with your family
Maybe you value it.

If you have an image of a kitchen
Use the kitchen as a place to enjoy cooking and a place for family gatherings
You will cherish it.

If you think of each piece of furniture, such as a desk, chair, shelf, etc.,
Details, form and design
Are you a person who is particular about storage and display?

If you are thinking of carpet, wallpaper, etc.
Coloring and taste of the entire room
Overall harmony and relaxing atmosphere
Maybe it's being taken seriously.

In this way, what is furniture and interior design?
It is also said to be the “face of the house”
Depending on each customer's lifestyle
Because the points to emphasize are different,
There are various elements required for furniture and interior design.

It is also the concept of +FINO
"Turn your thoughts into shape, add to your life" street
+FINO staff strives to make each customer's wishes a reality.
Completely custom-made based on customer feedback
Together we will create furniture and interior design from scratch.

For example, in the kitchen, consider the family structure and flow line.
Will it be an island type or a counter type?
Thinking together from the shape of the kitchen,
In order to provide a kitchen that fits the design of your home,
The color and material of the countertop,
From the shape, number and arrangement of drawers to the type of handles
We carefully propose and create each item one by one.

+FINO furniture helps each customer through their daily lives
Become a part of your lifestyle
May every day be fulfilling
All of our staff wish you the best.
In order to deliver the highest satisfaction to as many customers as possible
I'm working on it every day.